How many books can I check out?
Kindergarten: 1 per week
1st Grade: 2 per week
2nd Grade: 3 per week
3rd Grade: 3 per week:
**Additional books available for school projects**
When are my books due?
All books are when you are done reading them.
May I put a book on hold?
Yes, You may put a book on hold. When it comes in we will notify you.
What if I loose a book or damage it?
If you loose or damage a book please tell Mrs. Galli or Mrs. Livingston. We will print out a lost book information sheet and you can pay for the lost book. We will purchase another.
Can I come into the Media Center anytime?
Yes, the Media Center is always open to you! As long as your teacher knows you are in the library. You may return and check-out books when we are open. You may also do research anytime. Mrs. Livingston may be teaching when you come in so she may not be able to assist you immediately, but the library is yours and you may use it anytime your teacher gives you permission.
Kindergarten: 1 per week
1st Grade: 2 per week
2nd Grade: 3 per week
3rd Grade: 3 per week:
**Additional books available for school projects**
When are my books due?
All books are when you are done reading them.
May I put a book on hold?
Yes, You may put a book on hold. When it comes in we will notify you.
What if I loose a book or damage it?
If you loose or damage a book please tell Mrs. Galli or Mrs. Livingston. We will print out a lost book information sheet and you can pay for the lost book. We will purchase another.
Can I come into the Media Center anytime?
Yes, the Media Center is always open to you! As long as your teacher knows you are in the library. You may return and check-out books when we are open. You may also do research anytime. Mrs. Livingston may be teaching when you come in so she may not be able to assist you immediately, but the library is yours and you may use it anytime your teacher gives you permission.